Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Section 7: Other new media and communication tools

I tried the web 2.0 tool, Wall Wisher or Padlet. It is a very interesting application. It's almost like Facebook. You create your own wall with a layout background and you can add pictures, files, webcam photos, and add a title to each one with a short description. I created my wall based on Basset Hounds. I was able to add in pictures of basset hounds, talk about why I like the breed, and create a title and headline for my wall. I would like to see them add in videos by uploading or using YouTube. There aren't a lot of options for being creative, but it would fun for the classroom by adding new vocabulary words, background of an author, or by uploading a test by using the file upload. It could be a great way to get students engaged in their own learning. I could also take my class to the computer lab and have them create their own WallWisher and have them use it for educational purposes. They can work on it at home too as a class project.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try this in my classroom. Great Blog!!!
