Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ms. Gilbert's 6th and 7th Grade Field Trip Wiki

I'm so excited! I created my first Wiki page for both my 6th and 7th grade classes. I created a page for all of my students to edit and write their own opinions on where we could go for our class field trip in the Spring of 2015 after we take the STARR exams. I have given the opportunity to provide their input and list all the places they would like to visit. I would then collaborate with my team mates and we would decide the best place for our students to visit, learn, and complete assignments for each content area. Wikis' are a great way to get my students interested in using technology and to work with their peers to make a group to decision together. I think this is something I would like to implement in my lessons, especially when my students are able to use iPads in the classroom. My advanced classes will have their own Surface tablets soon, so I will begin creating different projects and ideas for my students to work on during this last semester of school.

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