Monday, December 29, 2014

Application 4 - Using an RSS Reader to Develop a Personal Learning Network

I think the RSS Reader is a really nest concept. I was just reading an article about a coding robot that students are able to create puzzles and mind games using a robot. I added iLearn Technology to my Feedly. It's an edublog about how to integrate technology in the classroom and it has so many different topics and blogs posted every day. I also so an int4erewting article about what is rigorous learning. I know so much about rigor already, but i like hearing and reading new ideas from other t4eachers who know how to use rigor in the classroom. Differentiated instruction is also another area of interest. I don't know if I'm doing differentiated learning in my classroom, so being about to read short and sweet articles about it help me as an educator and not spend a lot of time reading and breaking down a lot of information. I can use iPad tablets in my classroom and that would be considered differentiation. It's the little things that can make a huge difference in the classroom.

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