Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Application 6: Digital Story telling

I highly enjoyed this activity! I was able to create my own story using another user's artwork for free and publish it. I think this would be a wonderful project for my students. It would be a way for them to write a story together in groups or individually and publish their work for others to read and buy. I used Storybird as my application. I recently took on GT for 3 of my students, and I want to use this website as a way for them to be creative writers and use their critical thinking to be able to tell a story or create an informational text. I want to share this website with other teachers at my school who teach ELAR.

First Love by Ms. Gilbert


  1. AWWWW!!!! That was the cutest story ever! I need to check that website out!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great job! You have done an excellent job on your digital story. Very good!

  3. I was waiting for a twist or turn, but I see that this couple had the romance that we all dream about. Thank you for sharing!

  4. So cute Jenifer! Happy upcoming nupitals to you and Stuart!
