Saturday, November 29, 2014

My Thanksgiving Break is Coming to an End!


I really wasn't expecting this week to go by so fast. School starts bright and early on Monday morning. I have a lot to look forward to in the coming 3 weeks. My team has decided to switch students around within the classes of 6th and 7th grade. I don't know how this will turn out, but I'm hoping this move will benefit all of my students.

My team and I are experiencing behavior issues with a few of our students. We have been working nonstop to figure out a way to handle the behavior, because it's not happening in just one classroom. It's happening across the board with all of us. The strategies we have come up with have worked for a while and then we have a lot that haven't worked at all. I think the struggle for new teachers is trying to figure out a way to get through to students who are causing issues in the classroom.

Because I am so new to teaching I don't have a lot of tools in my tool belt to help me. Which is why I rely so much on my team and my team lead. Whatever they are doing in the classroom, and it's working, needs to be implemented in all of our classrooms.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to being back into the classroom and to see my students, but I know I'll be ready for Christmas break!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Life of an English Teacher

What an exciting time! As an English teacher and avid writer, I'm surprised I haven't continued writing a blog. I started my first blog while I was in college, but since then, I haven't typed my thoughts in well over 4 years.

I want to provide a little background to my teaching career.

I am in the process of earning my teaching certification in the state of Texas. I am currently a first year teacher at a charter school and I teach 6th and 7th grade English. I adore my job and every day I walk through the door there is always something new happening. It keeps my job interesting and fun all the time.

I enjoy encouraging my students to think deeper and use their creativity to explore in the English language and literature in a different light. My passion for reading and writing is beyond what most people would consider utterly ridiculous, but it's what I love and I want to share that passion with everyone who comes into my classroom.

I look forward to the next several more months of school. I want to watch my students grow and expand their minds from what I'm able to teach them.